Saturday, July 26, 2008

War-talk heightens

As political conventions loom closer, BYU students are becoming increasingly aware of the political debates about Iraq War solutions presented by presidential hopefuls John McCain and Barack Obama.

The current debate lies on whether congressmen should pull troops out or continue deployments.

Andrew Frick, a student from Pennsylvania said he is “pro-anti-war.”

“I’m against war. War is motivated out of personal gain,” said Frick. “I’m pro-change but not extreme change.”

Frick said that he is more liberal than most BYU students and that a solid opinion on a solution is difficult to make because of the lack of information.

McCain says it is necessary to keep troops in Iraq until the civil war between the Shiites and Sunnis can be stopped and a political calm can settle.

“Unfortunately, they’re so childish that they need referees right now,” said BYU junior Tyler Camp.

Troops need to stay in Iraq until no further progress can be made, said Camp.

The American public continues to be split on their opinions of solutions to the Iraq War. Other politicians have presented many varying solutions, besides those of McCain and Obama. Some students remain undecided on the issue.

“If we pull out, we lose,” said Camp. “If we stay, we lose.”

Senator Obama presented his plan in January 2007 to de-escalate war with phased redeployment.

"The American people have been asked to be patient too many times, too many lives have been lost and too many billions have been spent," Obama was reported to have said on

Many students serve in the military or have relatives who serve in the military. Soldiers have reported that the military is still needed in Iraq, said UVU student Kristen Kmetzsch.

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