I'm really not a PHP developer in any fashion. However, I've managed to make some adjustments to the Contact Forms 7 plugin for Wordpress.
Contact Forms 7
- In the plugin folder under admin/admin.php I added a new option to the administration of the text input generator (line 466). Script additions are in blue:
'acceptableFileTypes' => __( "Acceptable file types", 'wpcf7' ),
'needReallySimpleCaptcha' => __( "Note: To use CAPTCHA, you need Really Simple CAPTCHA plugin installed.", 'wpcf7' ),
'onFocusOnBlur' => __( "Make input values disappear when clicked?", 'wpcf7' )
) );
- Then, modify the admin javascript file under admin/wpcf7-admin.js
(line 417)
jQuery.each([ 'isRequiredField', 'allowsMultipleSelections', 'insertFirstBlankOption', 'makeCheckboxesExclusive',
'isAcceptanceDefaultOn', 'isAcceptanceInvert',
'akismetAuthor', 'akismetAuthorEmail', 'akismetAuthorUrl',
'imageSizeSmall', 'imageSizeMedium', 'imageSizeLarge', 'onFocusOnBlur' ], function(i, n) {
tgInputs[n] = jQuery('');
(line 469)
jQuery(' ' + _wpcf7L10n.isRequiredField + '').prepend(tgInputs.isRequiredField),
jQuery(' ' + _wpcf7L10n.onFocusOnBlur + '').prepend(tgInputs.onFocusOnBlur)
(line 1159)
if (tgInputs.tagClasses.val())
jQuery.each(tgInputs.tagClasses.val().split(' '), function(i, n) {
options.push('class:' + n);
if (tgInputs.onFocusOnBlur.is(':checked'))
- Then edit the text module file under modules/text.php:
First determine if the new option is selected:
} elseif ( preg_match( '%^([0-9]*)[/x]([0-9]*)$%', $option, $matches ) ) {
$size_att = (int) $matches[1];
$maxlength_att = (int) $matches[2];
} elseif ( preg_match( '%^onfocus$%', $option, $matches ) ) {
$onfocus_att = 1;
- Add the javascript to the input if the selection was made (still on modules/text.php):
if ($onfocus_att == 1) {
$atts .= "onfocus=\"if(this.value=='" . esc_attr( $value ) . "'){value='';document.getElementById('" . trim( $id_att ) . "').style.color='#000000'}\" onblur=\"if(this.value==''){value='" . esc_attr( $value ) . "';document.getElementById('" . trim( $id_att ) . "').style.color='#999999'}\"";
$html = ...
- Your Done!
Here's an image of the new checkbox:
Let me know if you have any questions. I'm going to put up a demo soon.
Nice work! Maybe I'll draw upon this when I develop similar function for Contact Form 7. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteWhich version of CF7 were you using for this? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI believe it was version 2.0.7. I've already encouraged the generous creator of this plugin to include this type of functionality in future updates. I hope he'll have time to get to that.
ReplyDeleteThanks man i will try i search this by long time :D